Cloud Migration Real World Observations - The Re-factor and Re-platform of the 7Rs
Many people are familiar with the 7 Rs in cloud migrations – the seven cloud migration strategies advocated by AWS and other cloud service providers: Rehost Replatform Refactor Repurchase Retain Relocate Retire In this blog piece, I would like to share some real-world customer considerations on choosing the Refactor and/or Replatform strategies. To give a general definition, the Replatform strategy is the migration approach in which some tweaks (optimisations and modernisation) are performed during the migration to the cloud but the core architecture of the workloads stays. Some examples that given by AWS are migrating server based databases to Amazon RDS, or moving an application to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk – both are cases of moving to fully managed cloud native services. The Refactor strategy, on the other hand, is sometimes referred to as Rearchitect, where more changes are made to the application architecture than Replatform, typically increasing agility and business continui...