Using Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Enterprise Data Protection
(This blog piece was the streamlined transcript of a community video talk I gave.) Enterprise data protection is an integral part of any organisation’s data security architecture and operations. As a characteristic of the cloud era we are in, more and more data nowadays resides in cloud environments. In a typical scenario of an enterprise’s AWS cloud setup, multiple AWS accounts are used – there are good reasons why multiple OUs (Organizational Units) and accounts are structured for a given organisation. Behaviour differences exist between these AWS accounts. Though they all belong to the same enterprise, AWS resources for a workload in an AWS account may behave differently to another workload and its resources in a different account. The behaviours here refer to the traits of how certain resources communicate and how certain data is accessed. As a simple example, an S3 bucket in an account is designed to be frequently accessed by a vast number of users (even including the g...