Amazon FSx for OpenZFS

Amazon FSx for OpenZFS, ‘a fully managed shared storage built on the popular OpenZFS file system’, was launched in AWS Sydney Region (ap-southeast-2) in April 2022. Powered by Graviton processors (AWS designed processors that as per AWS delivering a major leap in performance and capabilities and providing the best price performance), Amazon FSx for OpenZFS enables a range of new capabilities, such as higher performance, lower latency, broad access by Linux, Windows and MacOS operating systems, all at a lower price point against other comparable shared storage services offered by AWS. OpenZFS file system has its root from the ZFS file system, which was developed by Sun Microsystems over twenty years ago, in 2001, for the proprietary Solaris operating system. ZFS was designed with considerations for large, powerful servers at the time, which use-case focus was leaning more towards performance, functionality and reliability, rather than economical costing. A few years later in 2005, Sun M...